After logging in with your email and password, you'll reach your home dashboard.
It's crafted to ensure all essential features are just a few clicks away.
Locations Tab
The locations tab, open by default, allows you to easily manage your company's locations, each representing an establishment for which you maintain records. This tab serves as the software's central hub, offering swift access to each location's logs and related incidents.
Work Comp Policies Tab
From the work comp policies tab, you can add your workers comp policy details. This will allow you to generate a workers comp first report of injury form for any incident, as we have preloaded forms covering all fifty states.
Treatment Facilities Tab
In the treatment facilities tab, you have the option to list the health care centers that your company utilizes for treating employees. This eliminates the hassle of retyping this information when adding incidents.
Sumamry Metrics Tab
The summary metrics tab compiles data from all your locations, allowing you to analyze injury trends across the entire company. The reports available here are valuable for discussions with your safety team, helping identify recurring patterns and strategize improvements.
Electronic Submissions Tab
The final tab, the data submission tab, is the crowning jewel of our software. It leads the industry, enabling you to effortlessly meet OSHA's electronic submission requirements without the hassle of government logins, downloads, or exports. Imagine it as the TurboTax of OSHA record keeping, simplifying the process to submit your data to OSHA by the annual March second deadline.
Side Navigation
On the side navigation bar, you'll discover convenient links back to the home dashboard, access to support resources for any assistance you require, and a company profile section for updating your company's details, such as address and federal tax ID number.
You'll also find access to the employee roster feature, which enables you to pre-load your employees' information. Doing so is one hundred percent optional, as most users simply add employee information at time of incident.
All of these features have been thoughtfully designed to ensure OSHA logs is as user friendly and helpful as possible, streamlining your OSHA recordkeeping responsibilities and allowing you to concentrate on what truly matters--maintaining a safe and healthy workplace.